Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What would you say?

You're a bit cliché
and I'm a lot neurotic.
I'm in love with words
& you're in love with you.

So, what would you say
if I claimed to be your muse,
took you by the hand &
asked your favorite star?

Then would you wish I'd
give up on the Words,
take my head away from clouds
& give it a chance to start?


Sheesh! Why so many love poems all at once?! I must confess, I have absolutely no idea where most of these came from... Okay, so maybe that's not entirely true, but they did all come at once; kind of like the inspiration to create this blog, actually.  ;)

I don't think I've ever actually written any love poems before these... And really, many of these don't even have to be seen as strictly "love" poems, they could be about lots of things-- anything and everything. I'll actually avoid explaining away whatever it is I scribble, just for that very purpose. I don't want to unintentionally (or even intentionally) narrow down the interpretation of these whatever-you-call-'ems. They certainly aren't written in any specific meter or form besides the one that resides in my head (which, let me tell you, follows absolutely no logic whatever!).

But anyway, since this is and SHALL be a creative blog, and think it is safe to discuss literary things, yes? 
So, I'm currently in an English class that I am positively LOVING (no joke!), and my current header for this little blog is the volta from Shakespeare's sonnet #15. Basically, we talked about how the last two lines created a new meaning for the entire poem in that it spoke of "engrafting" a beloved person, as you would a rose... e.g. I'm not very familiar with the particulars, but it has something to do with taking a long stem of a rose and grafting it into a base of another, and doing this over and over and over again until many different kinds of roses are preserved on a single bush. Anyway, from our discussion, we reached the conclusion that the words might mean that Shakes is preserving his beloved through his art, and though it does not bring [her-whatever] immortality (and he acknowledges the imperfection of his practice), it still keeps a certain part of [her] alive forever.
Awww... *tehe*

So, basically I'll be posting whatever stuff I happen to dream up myself, or anything literary/arts related that I deem worthy of bringing up. I'll definitely have lots of material to work with, as I'm currently studying the topic of Close Reading/Poetry... As you might be able to tell with how I've been playing around with capitalization, indents, structure of the stanzas, punctuation, intentional misspells (I know, for me this is almost painful!), placing emphasis on some words/not others and etc. 

Nothing too profound, I assure you... But damn, is this sure fun! :D

All my love & well wishes,


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